Wednesday, April 6, 2022




 Life involves a lot more than material prosperity, and art contributes to almost everything else that is part of being human (as well as having great practical use at times, as some of the other answers point out.)

Art is good for the spirit, the imagination. Visual art gives new sharpness and perspective to the way we see the world. Music, poetry, ballet fulfill a need for beauty and harmony. More controversial art forces us to think, to reevaluate. Literature develops our empathy, our ability to imagine ourselves in other places, or being other people.
The desire for beauty, the pleasure in beauty and symmetry, is a human desire just as much as the desire for love, for instance.
Art is the expression of feelings, and when we have strong feelings and are not ourselves artists, then it helps to hear a symphony or to read a poem that express those same feelings for us. Furthermore, my topic here is all about Elements (Grade 1 first quarter):1st Line, 2nd Shape, 3rd Texture, and 4th Color


Why is art important for kids?

Children's senses are engaged in open-ended play with art, which helps them develop cognitive, social-emotional, and multi-sensory skills. Art continues to provide chances for brain development, mastery, self-esteem, and creativity as children progress through elementary school and beyond. Art also allows a child to express himself or herself. They communicate by drawing on their own unique emotions, thoughts, and experiences through expression. When they look at and analyze the work of others, they are seeing the world through their eyes. When they produce, they let the world see right through their own. Moreover, establishing an Art Corner in our room exposes children to various forms of art. As a result, they will be able to enjoy, understand, and appreciate the arts with others.


  A R T C O R N E R   Life involves a lot more than material prosperity, and art contributes to almost everything else that is part of be...